1. Time: 8h – 16h, October 24th 2013
2. Presenters: Prof. Assoc. Thai Uyen Truong
Second Degree Specialist Duong Que Bui
3. Descriptions:
Prof. Assoc. Thai Uyen Truong:
- Cercon Smart Ceramic system
- The basic techniques of tooth preparation for crown and bridge restoration
- Impression techniques with hydrophilic silicon rubber (Aquasil)
Second Degree Specialist Duong Que Bui
- Dental tubule preparation with NiTi rotary screw system with large taper ProTaper
- Solutions to fix errors in endodontic treatment
- Automatic motor for NiTi X-smart rotary instruments
- Propex II – Latest multi-frequency technology with large colored display
- Method of root canal treatment
4. Participants: Dental Doctors